Visioning Workshops + Sessions

As a Vision Coach, I help changemaking bosses uncover their vision so they can step into their next season with clarity, alignment, & audacity.

If you are coordinating a retreat or conference, designing a program, or organizing another kind of meaningful, transformative experience for women in leadership - you’re in the right place!

My audacious visioning sessions create a memorable experience that can help set the tone for your agenda and leave participants motivated, inspired, and equipped to live and lead audaciously.

💡 These sessions draw from decade of experience in guiding changemakers through personal and collective transformation, and follows the tried and tested framework I use to help groups and communities turn their pivotal moments into defining ones.

Host a stand alone event for your group, or build a session into your conference, retreat, speaker series, and more!

My special skill? Helping leaders use transitions as a launchpad to transformation 🚀

My process has been a game-changer for many incredible women leading change, helping them:

🙋🏽‍♀️ Get the affirmation they need to make big moves, 

🧲 Confidently navigate career transitions, and

🧘🏾Find alignment between their passion, purpose, & peace.


Click here to schedule a free discovery call


What to expect:

My Workshops guide participants on a journey from dreaming to activating their audacious visions, while integrating important topics like imposter syndrome, burnout, and alignment.

Whether your group includes people who are ready to run for office, start a business, level up, or just gain clarity, our time together will spark the shift from experiencing:

  • Foggy + Indecisive ➡️ Clear and Confident
  • Stuck + Drained ➡️ Refreshed + Energized
  • Unfocused ➡️ Focused + Aligned
  • Anxious ➡️ At Peace

🚀 Participants leave with the tools to embark on bold, intentional steps towards manifesting the life they desire. You will:

  • Broaden your perception of what's possible
  • Unapologetically claim your desires
  • Refine your personal mission
  • Overcome obstacles and limiting mindsets
  • Embrace liberating practices for a fuller, harmonious life
  • Craft an action plan for immediate manifestation


 a black woman speaker engaging her audience

About the content

Sessions can be tailored for your group to focus on one or all of these elements. 


Were you excited about your vision at the beginning of the year? Are you not quite where you wanted to be by this point?

You need a refresh.

In this interactive session, we'll talk about the 3 things that get us off track, and how to regain your focus to make this your most audacious year yet!

Learn how we can tailor a session for your group


Burnout. We've all been there.

In this grind culture, burnout is an all too familiar experience - especially for activists, organizers, nonprofit workers, public leaders, and other changemakers leading critical work. 

You can do what you are passionate about and love, and also thrive. You don't have to choose, you just have to operate differently. 

In this session, we'll talk about how to pull yourself out of burnout and prevent future cycles by

  • Addressing the two main limiting mindsets that are holding you hostage

  • Implementing liberating practices that you can start right away


Sessions can be tailored for your group to focus on one or all of these elements. 


Dreaming is essential to creating a vision.
My workshop provides intentional space for dreaming.

We live in a culture where we spend so much time hustling and overworking that we don't end up having much time or mental capacity for dreaming. By the end of the day, we are just too mentally exhausted.

And, most want to skip to the action part – the how. We want to know, "how can I make this real?"

But we cut ourselves short when we don’t take the time to dream.

Dreaming is a practice in learning to listen to yourself.

And when you master that, you’ll be able to walk in alignment and experience the abundance that's meant for you.

During our time together, we will

  • Allow ourselves to dream without limits
  • Learn how to tune into our inner voice
  • Uncover what’s most important
  • Create an audacious vision that is balanced and reflects our whole selves 


After dreaming, uncovering what's most important, and pushing yourself, it's time to put it all together and illustrate your audacious vision.

Once you’ve taken time to dream and uncover what's most important to you, the next step to making it real is to visualize it!

There are so many ways to do this, including a traditional Vision Board. Participants will be given materials that allow them to choose and create a powerful visual to keep them focused and inspired to manifest their vision.

During our time together, we will

  • Explore the difference ways we can visualize our vision
  • Learn how to use a visualization to manifest our vision
  • Create a powerful illustration of our vision


Learn tools that will help you attract the things you desire and make your vision come to life. Once you start practicing them, you'll be surprised at how your reality starts to shift, and how the things you desire begin to draw to you like a magnet!

During our time together, we will

  • Learn how to start walking in our vision TODAY
  • Discover practices that help you become a magnet for the things you desire


Sometimes it's easier to imagine all the ways things couldn’t work out. While we don't want to give these thoughts too much energy, it is important to name what we think might get in the way. This allows us to assess how big much of a hurdle those things really are and make a plan for addressing them. When we plan ahead, we can also better equip ourselves for success.

During our time together, we will

  • Explore limiting mindsets that hold us - an or dreams - hostage
  • Learn liberating practices that free ourselves from real and perceived hurdles that keep us from living the life we desire

 New: Transforming

Living into our audacious vision requires us to change and transform. 

We need to become the person our next season is calling us to be, before we step into that season.

During our time together, we will

  • Activate our audacity
  • Uncover who we need to be in order to step into our next season and realize our dream life.


Ready to tailor one or more of these sessions to your group's unique needs? Let's chat and turn your vision into reality! 💬✨

Let's talk about how to tailor one or more of these sessions for your group!


     Bonus: Ask me about how to add to the fun by surprising your group with Vision Boxes and/or She had the audacity apparel!


    Who are these sessions designed for? 

    These sessions are customizable for a wide range of groups, and they especially resonate with those who identify as one or more of the following:

    • Changemakers
    • Bosses
    • People experiencing or preparing for a life transition / new season
    • People stepping into a new role
    • Black, Indigenous, and/or a person of color
    • Women


    Let's schedule a workshop for your group!


    Prices vary depending on the number of people, length of session, travel, etc. - so let's talk!